What is the tax rate for the year 2024?

Personal income tax works in brackets: the more you earn, the higher the percentage of tax you pay.

Here are the main tax brackets:

In Quebec, the tax rates applicable for the year 2024, depending on your taxable income, are as follows:

Taxable income brackets - Provincial (Quebec) Rate
$51,780 or less 14%
Greater than $51,780, but not exceeding $103,545 19%
Greater than $103,545, but not exceeding $126,000 24%
Greater than $126,000 25.75%

Now, on the federal side, here are the applicable tax rates:

Taxable income brackets - Federal (Canada) Rate
$55,867 or less 15%
Greater than $55,867 , but not exceeding $111,733 20.5%
Greater than $111,733 , but not exceeding $173,205 26%
Greater than $173,205 , but not exceeding $246,752 29%
Greater than $246,752 33%

In short, as your income increases, each higher bracket is taxed at a slightly higher rate, but the higher rate only applies to the amounts above each threshold, not to all of your income!

Ready for tax season?

Book a date and time that suits you to discuss your needs for your next tax return.

Preparation of personal income tax returns.